Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Passion

For those of you who know me, you know that I've wanted to write. Since I was a kid I've dreamed of writing and illustrating my own children's book. In junior high and high school I started writing a story called "Visona." It ended up turning into a series. I've written the first drafts for the first 3 of 7 YA novels. I've envisioned a fantasy-type world, and a friend of mine from college helped me come up with a few character designs. Here are a few that I've worked on throughout the years.

The protagonist. (My first attempt at coloring in photoshop - 1999.)

Her guardian angels. (My first attempt at coloring in illustrator - 2004.)

Queen of Fairy Queendom - Flioran (2 Versions)

The Equine Family - Defenders of the Fountain of Youth

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